It will be deleted and you will be banned. We're not a porn host.
Stealing isn’t cool. You wouldn’t upload a car.
We remove offending images reported at /abuse.
Failure to comply with these terms will result in deletion of files, and your IP and any related accounts may be banned.
In more serious circumstances, you will also be reported to the appropriate authorities. Relevant information in offending cases is recorded and stored, to assist the authorities.
* If you're using our free service as a core part of your business, please consider our own hosting costs. We always appreciate donations.
Please feel free to /contact the team, or refer to our /FAQ (frequently asked questions) for more information
To report an image please post the full image URL and your complaint over at /abuse. Please be specific and include an email if the matter will require discussion.
The site is run by three volunteers and is supported by donations and Patreon backers. We will always do our best to provide a stable service but cannot always guarantee this (due to server failure, network problems and other issues which may arise).
Although images are stored on a highly available and durable storage platform, cubeupload is not a backup service. Please make sure you have copies of anything you upload! We cannot be held responsible for any loss due to images being unavailable for any reason.
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Interestingly as an example, if you close this message, we use a Cookie to keep it hidden next time you visit.
Cookie usage is extremely common and normal, but new laws require us to inform you. Learn More